5️⃣5️⃣ GET - Service Provider DN Search


Searches for numbers assigned to Service Provider/ Enterprise and allows search criteria and limiting result.


  • service_provider_id (str): Service Provider or Enterprise ID where group is hosted.

  • dn (int): Number/ part of number to search for.

  • filter_type (str, optional): Options: equal to, starts with, or contains. Defaults to None. limit (int, optional): Limits the amount of values API returns. Defaults to None.


  • List: List of numbers matching search criteria

How To Use:

from odins_spear import api

my_api= api.Api(base_url="https://base_url/api/vx", username="john.smith", password="ODIN_INSTANCE_1")

    dn= "01942",
    filter_type= "contains",
    limit= 10

Example Returned Data (Formatted)

    "phoneNumbers": "+1-9589582000",
    "department": null,
    "activated": true,
    "userId": "9589582000@as3.xdp.broadsoft.com",
    "lastName": "mock-2000",
    "firstName": "mock-2000",
    "extension": "2000",
    "emailAddress": null,
    "userType": "Normal",
    "countryCode": 1,
    "nationalPrefix": null,
    "serviceProviderId": "odin.mock.ent1",
    "groupId": "odin.mock.grp1",
    "userIdShort": "9589582000",
    "domain": "as3.xdp.broadsoft.com",
    "dns": {
      "min": "+1-9589582000",
      "max": "",
      "activated": true
    "phoneNumbers": "+1-9589582001",
    "department": null,
    "activated": true,
    "userId": "9589582001@as3.xdp.broadsoft.com",
    "lastName": "mock-2001",
    "firstName": "mock-2001",
    "extension": "2001",
    "emailAddress": null,
    "userType": "Normal",
    "countryCode": 1,
    "nationalPrefix": null,
    "serviceProviderId": "odin.mock.ent1",
    "groupId": "odin.mock.grp1",
    "userIdShort": "9589582001",
    "domain": "as3.xdp.broadsoft.com",
    "dns": {
      "min": "+1-9589582001",
      "max": "",
      "activated": true
    "phoneNumbers": "+1-9589582002",
    "department": null,
    "activated": true,
    "userId": "9589582002@as3.xdp.broadsoft.com",
    "lastName": "mock-2002",
    "firstName": "mock-2002",
    "extension": "2002",
    "emailAddress": null,
    "userType": "Normal",
    "countryCode": 1,
    "nationalPrefix": null,
    "serviceProviderId": "odin.mock.ent1",
    "groupId": "odin.mock.grp1",
    "userIdShort": "9589582002",
    "domain": "as3.xdp.broadsoft.com",
    "dns": {
      "min": "+1-9589582002",
      "max": "",
      "activated": true
    "phoneNumbers": "+1-9589582003",
    "department": null,
    "activated": true,
    "userId": "9589582003@as3.xdp.broadsoft.com",
    "lastName": "mock-2003",
    "firstName": "mock-2003",
    "extension": "2003",
    "emailAddress": null,
    "userType": "Normal",
    "countryCode": 1,
    "nationalPrefix": null,
    "serviceProviderId": "odin.mock.ent1",
    "groupId": "odin.mock.grp1",
    "userIdShort": "9589582003",
    "domain": "as3.xdp.broadsoft.com",
    "dns": {
      "min": "+1-9589582003",
      "max": "",
      "activated": true
    "phoneNumbers": "+1-9589582004",
    "department": null,
    "activated": true,
    "userId": "9589582004@as3.xdp.broadsoft.com",
    "lastName": "mock-2004",
    "firstName": "mock-2004",
    "extension": "2004",
    "emailAddress": null,
    "userType": "Normal",
    "countryCode": 1,
    "nationalPrefix": null,
    "serviceProviderId": "odin.mock.ent1",
    "groupId": "odin.mock.grp1",
    "userIdShort": "9589582004",
    "domain": "as3.xdp.broadsoft.com",
    "dns": {
      "min": "+1-9589582004",
      "max": "",
      "activated": true

Last updated