⬇️Downloading Library (BETA)

First browse to the GitHub repo.

Next, click the green '<> Code' button and then 'Download ZIP'.

Once the code is downloaded, extract the files from the zipped file and locate the folder 'odin_api' the file 'requirements.txt'. These are the only files and folders you need to use the library, the others can be removed.

Staying in the same folder opens a new machine terminal, one method to do this is from your folder view click the blue file in the top right-hand corner and select 'Open Windows PowerShell'. Next you need to install the requirements for the library, run the below command to do this.

pip install -r requirements.txt

Finally, place that folder where you would like to write code that uses the library and import the library in your Python files.

While the library is in development this is the current way to use it. Please note this will change once version 0.1.0 is released.

Last updated