๐Ÿ›‘Rate Limiting API Calls

The API object has a default parameter of 'rate_limit' set to True which limits the amounts of API calls the library will make to 5 calls per 1 second. If the limit is reach the system will wait for the limit to pass before executing the next 5 calls.

This limiting will ease the pressure on the API and hopefully stopping any negative impact on systems such as significant resource drainage leading to outages or poor performance.

Odin does not imply any limitations on the usage of their API and this feature is a precaution.

Disabling Rate Limiting

The limitation is applied by default however this can be removed by passing in the rate_limit argument set to False when instantiating an API object.

This will remove the limitation of 5 calls per 1 second allowing the library to send as many API requests as it can.

my_api = Api(base_url="https://yourSystemsURL/api/v2", username="John.Smith", 
               password="ENV_VARIABLE", rate_limit=False)

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